We found 10 episodes of The Complete Sinner's Guide with the tag “love”.
Episode 26: Which View Does Scripture Teach? A Debate!!!
July 31st, 2020 | 2 hrs 41 secs
arminianism, born again, calvinism, christ, compatibilism, cross, david pallman, debate, determinism, dialogue, election, fatalism, free will, glorification, god, gospel, holy spirit, jesus, judaism, love, michael keaton, new testament, old testament, predestination, q&a, regeneration, robert weisner, salvation, sanctification, second temple, sovereignty, tulip
Join your host's Tyler and Noah as they set down with Michael Keaton and David Pallman as the four discuss the different views within Christianity each holds!!!
Episode 23: The Return of CSG: A New Hope
June 2nd, 2020 | 53 mins 23 secs
good news, gospel, jesus christ, love
Join your hosts, Tyler Fowler and Noah Chelliah as we discuss the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Episode 9: Abortion: what do I really need to know?
August 25th, 2019 | 56 mins 20 secs
abortion, crimes, evil, god, gospel, hope, jesus, love, murder, prochoice, prolife, rape, sovereignty, trust
Have you had an abortion or considering one? Are you a concerned family member? Join Jamie Jeffries, your host Tyler Fowler and Noah Chelliah as we dig into the abortion issue that we face as a society today!
Episode 2: Oneness Pentecostal w/ Kennadi Nicole
July 13th, 2019 | 56 mins 22 secs
bible, christian, father, forgiveness, god, holy spirit, jesus, love, one of the best christian podcast, peace, reformed, sin, son
Are you struggling with doctrines such as "The Trinity", "water baptism", or speaking in tongues? Join us this week as we talk about these issues and more with Kennadi Nicole, a former Oneness Pentecostal!!