Episode 51

The Human Soul: Mortal or Immortal? A Biblical Examination with Chris Date


June 5th, 2021

56 mins 6 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

On this episode of CSG we are discussing the human soul! What is the Biblical understanding of what we call the “soul”, is the soul immortal and what are the implications of the soul’s immortality (or mortality) on Judgment Day?? I’ve asked Chris Date, from Rethinking Hell, to join us again on CSG to help give some biblical answer’s to these questions and more!

Passages from both Old and New Testament books as well as extrabiblical literature are examined to develope a more complete understanding of what ancient Jews and the disciples of Jesus Christ understood to be the truth concerning the fate of the righetous and the wicked, after in "the world to come"! Some of the texts expounded in this epidsode include:

Genesis 19
Isaiah 24, 25, 26, 27
Matthew 10:28, 25:46
Luke 12:4-5, 20:35-36
Romans 6:5-9
1 Timothy 6:16
2 Peter 2:4-6
Revelation 14:9-11, 18:1-24, 19:1-3
2 Esdras (4th Ezra) 2:8-14

Chris and I also explore what the Bible means by the terms "immortal", "life", & "death", as well as dig into concepts of Greek mythology like "Tartarus"! Eternal Concious Torment arguments are examined as well and addressed in this episode!

For anyone interested in the soul or conditional immortality, this is a great introductory episode to begin your study on this topic! MUCH MORE needs to be said and is in this episode but, Lord willing, God will arrange things in such a way that we will be blessed to continue this discussion in a part 2 episode or with a positve case for the Eternal Concious Torment perspective!

A big thanks to Chris for participating and if you all are interested in more of his videos you can find his YouTube channel here:


A.W. Pink quote from "Eternal Punishment":
“...Gehenna is the place in which both soul and body are destroyed. "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna" (Matt. 19:28 [sic]). This passage is most important, for more than any other it enables us to gather the real scope of this term. The fact that the "soul" as well as the body is destroyed there, is proof positive that our Lord was not referring to the valley of Hinnom. So, too, the fact that the "body" is destroyed there, makes it certain that "Gehenna"is not another name for "Hades." In pondering this solemn verse we should remember that "destroy" does not mean to annihilate. Some have raised a quibble over the fact that Christ did not here expressly say that God would "destroy both soul and body in hell," but merely said "Fear Him which is able to. " This admits of a simple and conclusive reply. Surely it is apparent on the surface that Christ is not here predicating of God a power which none can deny, but which, notwithstanding, He will never exert! He was not simply affirming the omnipotence of God, but uttering a solemn threat which will yet be executed. That such was His meaning is established beyond the shadow of doubt when we compare Matthew 10:28 with the parallel passage in Luke 12:5: "But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: fear Him, which after He hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, fear him." This threat we know will be fulfilled.”

Charles Hodge quote from his Systematic Theology Vol. 3 p. 759:
"If the Bible says that the sufferings of the lost are to be everlasting, they are to endure forever, unless it can be shown either that the soul is not immortal or that the Scriptures elsewhere teach that those sufferings are to come to an end."