Episode 46
The Importance of Obedience, Submission, & Worship
April 18th, 2021
56 mins 27 secs
About this Episode
In this episode of CSG we are joined by Joshua "Jimmy" Davidson and Travis worth to discuss why submission, obedience and worship are all important aspects of the Christian life!
Show Notes Posted Below:
(Travis’ Topic) Obedience, Submission & Worship w/ Joshua Davidson & Travis Worth
Is God in the “bad” thing’s that happen in my life?
Travis leads off this discussion with the reason’s why he chose obedience, submission, and worship to discuss this time on CSG, especially when we all find ourselves loosing passion in times of trouble.
How does obedience effect joy?
When was the last time you remember explicitly obeying a request from an elder or leader in your local church?
When we obey leaders, we obey Scripture
When was the last time you felt the Holy Spirit work in your heart?
Romans 12:11 (go when you don’t want to; see Philippians 2:13)
What is the difference between obedience and submission?
Difference between blind submission and willful submission.
Commandments are tools for shaping us like Christ.
Be Holy for I am Holy.
Submission leads to worship.
Deep worship leads to high reverence of God.
Joy is transcendent in nature (Jesus said I leave my peace with you) despite feelings.
Romans 10:9