Episode 63

Imago Dei (Image of God) Part 1


October 16th, 2021

55 mins 34 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

We begin this episode by welcoming back Jimmy D after being out of commission for a few weeks due to having covid! We then kick off this PART 1 by giving a brief overview of what we have already touched on in past episodes, such as the 3 main views of the Imago Dei (substantive, relational, functional). Then, Sherman poses a great question of how different systems of theology (I.e Calvinism/ Non Calvinism) can have an impact on how we view the Image. We then center the entirety of the two episodes on one very important question concerning Genesis 1-3….did something “go wrong” with God’s original intention in Creation with human beings?

This episode really is a mashup of previous episodes we’ve had with Joshua S. and J.D. before and throughout the two parts, it is really cool to see how our personal view of what it means for humans to be created in God’s Image effect so many different aspects of our theology. I think bringing two differing systems of thought together, like we did in this episode, just makes the possibilities of how one can view theology in general, all the more incredible! It also shows that when we come together as family, we can truly do all things through Christ who gives us strength in His Name and through His Holy Spirit!

God Bless everyone, and remember, if you like CSG’s content give us a big thumbs up and share our videos on social media! Also subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out our other platforms like Apple & Google Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, Listen Notes, etc! All CSG content is 100% FREE so head over to our website and get to listening, downloading and sharing with others!!! :)

Genesis 1-3
1 Corinthians 15
Romans 5


Imago Dei Part 2

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